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Příběh kina Svět a Dukla
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Od září bude i kaplanovský muzikál

This is a film I made (The Author) in 2005 for the BBC. “I guess this thing is about having a small dick, and it’s horrible saying that because it’s true…. And why is it such a problem? This is what this film is about”. My Penis and I follows my two-year journey to discover if size matters. It charts the effect my penis has had on my life, my family and my relationship with my girlfriend Nicola. The film is now out of BBC licensing and I am free to distribute it non-commercially.

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Peter Saville: The Disco Ball Of Everything - video interview with the design legend.
We also have our own audio interview with Mr. Saville taken in Manchester a few years ago. You can listen to the whole un-edited hour of our interview at
Video interview credits:
Editorial Lead Kitty Bolhoefer / Filming & Photos Fridolin Schoepper / Editing Konterfei / Music BUNNYSTRIPES

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