Young Fathers are freshly pleased with the Mercury Music Prize they received a few days ago. How was it for them? And what will happen at their gig this Wednesday (Roxy, Prague, as part of Struny podzimu)?
You have made quite a name for yourself on the festival circuit. Do your club gigs feel different to you?
No it feels the same. A gig's a gig, we take the same approach as we do any other show. Sometimes shows work out in our favour and everyone's happy other times it doesn't.
Are there any more mixtapes underway? And do you have any new songs, set plans to release another record?
We are in the process of recording a new album in Berlin and set to have it out in the early part of the new year.
Congratulations on your Mercury win. In which ways has life been different before and after receiving the prestigious Prize?
Thanks. But being flavour of the month until another award show comes along isn't our main concern.
Nothing has changed in terms of the group. We like to keep things moving and focus on recording a new album.
What has been the nicest reaction to the Prize? What have your families been like?
It's great there's a reaction at all. Whether it's positive or negative folk now know or are finding out about the group.
Our loved ones are happy and proud of us.
Young Fathers play Roxy this Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Radio 1 will broadcast the whole evening over 91,9 FM and www.radio1.cz