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foto archiv Renaty Fojtikové

Wimbledon Common litter pickers turned Furry sex symbols the Wombles vowed to refuse to help pick up rubbish after Glastonbury this week after Festival chief Michael Eavis said he was ‘cross’ they’ve been booked.

As well as becoming massive pop stars in the 70s with hits including Remember You’re a Womble and the Wombling Song, the band helped pioneer the unusual fetish of people dressing up in fur suits for sex (furries), becoming niche sex symbols in the process.

Pozvánka DOX na univerzitě

foto Tomáš Martinek

Staff Benda Bilili
Staff Benda Bilili / foto archiv pořadatele

repro Labyrint

David Fincher, Daniel Craig a Trent Reznor si vzali do parády knižní bestseller od Stiega Larssona. Podívejte se na první trailer!

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