Wounds play Prague's 007 on Tuesday, February 26.
We chatted with their guitarist James about scars, Ireland and the music biz.
Is it hard to get your album to record stores nowadays?
Independent artists do but we have no bother with it since our label distributes it around the place. Fuck being an indie band anyway.
Best and worst things about being irish?
I've never really put much focus on where I'm from. I don't see the point in it so who cares! The biggest problem is people from other countries automatically assume we're all alcoholic leprechauns. NO - I don't have ginger hair and NO - my body isn't filled with Guinness instead of blood. If you're a nice person then get down with us, if not then get the fuck out.
Your merch and photos are pretty... wild. Do you take great care to have these things sorted?
If we're not happy with how we're presenting the image of the band then that photo/merch suggestion gets thrown out the window. I fucking love that people are into our band and all we want is for everyone to get the right idea of who we are. Four disgusting people in one disgusting band. I hate bands with bad merch. If people are willing to rep your band then at least put some effort into it to show what it means to you. We may be a bunch of messy dickheads with nothing but rock and roll on our minds but we wanna look fucking good doing what we do.
You have your own skateboard - how did this happen, and are you into skateboarding much?
A friend of ours hooked us up! We all love skateboarding; to the point where myself and Aidan have our favourite team Deathwish's logo tattooed on the middle fingers of our right hands. If anyone involved is reading this then sort Wounds out with a sponsorship or we'll cut you.
You released a split record with Gallows and feed the Rhino - how did this come up, and did you ever meet?
It was to mark our label's 50th release which was pretty fucking sick. We played with Gallows a couple of times a few years back and they're seriously nice guys. I guess it doesn't hurt that they're a ridiculously good band too! We haven't played with Feed The Rhino yet so someone seriously has to hook that shit up! Such a good band.
3 things we ought to know about your album?
The only thing I can say about what our record's meaning is that life is far too short and can change very fucking quickly so live it in whatever way makes you happy and take it for everything it's worth. Fuck the bad shit and get on with your life the way it's supposed to be.
3 favourite bands at the moment?
I would say While She Sleeps and Bring Me The Horizon at the moment then Alkaline Trio overall, now and forever!
Most treasured possession?
Aidan was fucked drunk a while back and told me if he'd never speak to me again if I didn't keep the cork from the lid of his wine bottle he was slugging from at the time. I'm his youngest brother so I have to take him seriously. Gotta keep the relationships with my 5 older brothers solid as fuck just to ensure I have protection if anyone ever wants to bash me. Definitely the smartest choice since I'm the tallest & skinniest person ever!
Is the scarred guy on the cover real, or is it shopped? Who is he?
The scar is real and that guy on the cover is me. I fell from a fourth-story balcony in June 2010 just after we toured with Crime In Stereo while it was just myself and Aidan hanging out on the balcony of his old apartment.
I was was sitting on the ledge, drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels; took a mouthful and lost my balance. It was about 90 ft up so I was in a coma for 6 weeks and very nearly died. Longest hangover of my life!
The long lasting results are some sick (in the best possible way) scars on my stomach/head and the fact that I'm completely blind in my left eye. Fuck it. I'm still here playing music with my family and can be very honest when I say Wounds is what got me through the worst time of my entire life. Life can change far too fast so I don't believe anyone had enough a reason not to overcome the harder parts and pull their lives together to get back on track. Life goes on...
Wounds links:
DIGITAL COPY - https://itun.es/ie/4GMoJ
PHYSICAL COPY - http://www.iatde.com/
FB page: www.facebook.com/WOUNDSBAND
OFFICIAL SITE - http://woundsband.com/
MERCHANDISE - http://woundsband.bigcartel.com/
CONTACT - thewoundsband@gmail.com