Submission Deadline:June 15th, 2014
NO Submission Fee
Festival Location: Prague and Brno in the Czech Republic
Festival Dates: November 06 - 22, 2014
Official site: www.mezipatra.cz/en
Festival Rules and Regulations: please see the attached .pdf dokument
Entry Form: vp.eventival.eu/mqff/mezipatra2014
(You have to sign-up or use an existing login, then use the Film submission button. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contacting me.)
QFF MEZIPATRA is a specialized film festival focusing on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer themed films.
QFF MEZIPATRA is a competitive festival and presents works of the following categories – Narrative Features and Short Films. The festival will also present Documentary Films. The films are judged by an international jury, students' jury and by the festival audience. The films compete for three awards: Best Feature Film Award, Best Short Film Award and Audience Award.
Please note, that submitted films should not have been presented in the previous editions of the festival and the completion year must be 2013 and later. If you do not plan to submit a film yourself, have already done so and/or are already in touch with the festival's programmers regarding this year's edition, please feel free to forward this Call for Submissions to any filmmakers or companies that might be interested. Thank you.
Please fill in the Entry Form online and
1. send the Preview DVD to:
QFF Mezipatra
Pobrezni 95/74
186 00 Prague
Czech Republic
2. provide an online screener either while filling in the Entry Form in the "VP note" and/or in an email to submissions@mezipatra.cz
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Přihlašte svůj film na queer filmový festival Mezipatra. 15. ročník festivalu se koná od 6. do 22. listopadu v Praze a Brně. Filmová díla všech délek a kategorií, která vznikla po 1. lednu 2013, můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 15. června 2014.
Formulář k přihlášení filmu najdete v aplikaci MOJE MEZIPATRA. Předtím, než se dostanete k přihlášení filmu prosím v aplikaci vyplňte své kontaktní údaje. V případě jakýchkoliv otázek se obraťe na programové oddelění.