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foto: Jiří Janda

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From its founding in the 1920s to its peak in the 1960s and 1970s, Pan Am set the status quo when it came to international travel. Everyone wanted to fly Pan Am, other airlines wanted to be Pan Am, and everyone wanted to work for Pan Am. Revered by the rich and famous, the traveling public, enthusiasts and employees alike, Pan Am's legacy lives on to this day.

foto: pořadatel akce

Velmi, velmi působivé záběry z Černobylu. 
Unikátnost těchto snímkl spočívá i v tom, že se točilo dronem (DJI Phantom 2).
Autor dokumentu Danny Cooke, nezávislý filmař, točí ale i jiné zajímavé věci, koukněte na jeho profil

From Jet to Jet- Being the USAF Thunderbirds Official Photographer
This is the story of Sergeant Larry Reid Jr., United States Air Force Photojournalist, and how his job is one of the most incredible stories I have ever had the pleasure of telling.
For the full story, head over to

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