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Parakeet (Yuck & The History of Apple Pie) - "Shonen Hearts" 

Here's side two of 'A List of the Burning Mountains,' a two-part experimental film accompanying the release of Oneida's new LP of the same name. A number of artists created visual scores to sections of the album with the intention of creating a seamless whole when paired with the record, out now. 

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With EDM-pop star Calvin Harris kicked off the decks in Vegas for being not commercial enough recently and house legend Mark Farina similarly stopped before he even started, Skrufff asked a bunch of top DJs if anything similar had ever happened to them.

artwork: Shaltmira

Maximum Overdrive! 10.11.2012 @ Chapeau Rouge:

Them Darned Teenagers -
R.A.A.F. -
The Brain Waves -

foto pořadatel akce

Dream-popová zpěvačka Ellie Goulding z Velké Británie má 21. dubna namířeno v rámci svého evropského turné také do pražského SaSaZu! Fanouškovský předprodej začíná v pátek 16. listopadu, předprodej vstupenek od 19. listopadu v síti Ticketpro.

foto Palác Akropolis

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