Ride for Happiness pro Slovenskou Republiku
Projekt 3 dny: Luník 9
Ride for Happiness je kreativní tým aktivistů z různých prostředí, zejména z romských komunit, která se realizuje ve světě umění, sportu a street kultury. Toto sdružení nyní přichází s Projektem 3 dny, do kterého bude zahrnuto 100 dětí. Do projektu se může zapojit i široká veřejnost, pro kterou je připravena veřejná projekce a budování instalace!
Zapojit se můžete úplně obyčejně. Máte-li jakékoliv věci, kterých se chcete zbavit (například nůžky, staré batohy, nepoužíváné nádobí, staré kufry, kusy nábytku apod.) , které byste rádi věnovali na tento projekt, napište na email lukadanek@gmail.com.
1. den, 20. 6. 2014:
50 dětí (4-6let) dostane boty od firmy Vans
12:00 - přivítání a představení Super Hrdinů, přečtení pohádky Bajka o skateboardech
13:15 - Workshop Skateboarding a závod Ride For Happiness (5 nejlepších postup do finále)
14:30 - worshop ART (zdobení Karnevalových masek a obrázků na recyklační peněženky)
16:00 - 22:00 tvoření instalace na zdobení Ride For Happiness památníku, projekce dokumentu Ride For Happiness a Skate videi.
2. den 21. 6. 2014:
50 dětí (8-16let) dostane malou odměnu od firmy Monster a Streetmarket SK
12:00 - uvítání představení super hrdinů a uvedení programu
12:45 - workshop Skateboarding a závod Ride For Happiness (5 nejlepších postup do finále)
14:00 - workshop recyklační peněženky, super hero masky na karneval
16:30 - 22:00 výzdoba Luniku Specialními Grafity umělci, projekce Dik I na Bistar a X-man komiksu
3. den 22. 6. 2014:
12:00 - final Skateboard závod dle 5 nejlepších z prvního dne, 5 nejlepších z druhého dne
14:30 - vyhlášení závodu, rozdání magických bot a ukončení pohádky
16:00 - 20:00 konečný Karneval
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The First Ride for Happiness started
We have arrived to the school in Jurgow, little village in the mountains in Poland, to take kids on a 3 days journey in to the fairy tale written especially for the Ride.
We have set up the stage for our Royal Storyteller and the fours super heroes: The Joy Fairy, Lady of Colours, Master of Forms & Shapes and the Skate Master, and waited for a group of 50 little children 5 to 7 years old. When they arrived in to the room, they lovely little faces were full of curiosity and excitement as the story begun.
Children heard about the Kingdom of Barolandia, the King ZyrbeuszOtta I – senior and his son ZyrbeuszOtta II – Junior and their interest in the magical boards that are being made in the city of Restart by the Skateboarder the Great, there was also Vans Shoemaker who started to make wonderful, colourful, happy shoes for skateboarding with his helpers Gnomonoses Barefooted, and the magical telescope through which you can look in to another worlds and skate tricks and plenty of other wonders! The children were engaged in tasks which will help super heroes to bring more happiness to the world. Kids were making they own super hero masks, riding skateboards, working in teams and individually and put a lot of effort to complete all the special tasks for the day. There was a lot of fun, cheering, jumping, laughing and happiness all around.
Our 1st day came to the end. Kids gave us an avalanche of hugs and all were making sure we will come again. It was absolutely Amazing day for All of Us!!! The story will continue...
Day 2
We came back today to the school with a message for children from Baba Jaga – Powerful Witch, about milk drinking, saving money and recycling. Kids knew very well that milk is healthy and tasty, and that with money you can buy yourself bread and cheese and even toys as they said. We explained them more about recycling and show them how to connect all of it- we were all working on recycled wallets, made from milk boxes. Children were choosing they designs and we helped them with the wallets. After discussing with kids on the important things in life from which the most important is good heart, we all were ready to start on our next tasks.
Children where delighted to learn that Luka the Stake Master arrived from Barolandia on the Ray of Sun with the bag of skates to paint, straight from the Skateboarder the Great from Restart and with colourful magical shoes from Vans Shoemaker which they will receive once they help the super heroes complete all the tasks.
Kids were ready to bring the magic of joy to the skateboards by painting colourful story, about the Skateboarding in Barolandia, all over them and adding they own unique touch on the boards. The technique was broad – paintings, drawings, collage and the fantasy of kids is the most vivid so we end up with great works on the skateboards!
Another day of learning new things, exercising imagination, and wisdom sharing was behind us. Bombarded with hugs we left the school for the day.
Day 3
Our story in the school in Jurgow comes to the end, this was our final day.
We have started today with message from the King ZyrbeuszOtta I, passed on by our Royal Poet, to the children - that if they believe in themselves, follow their dreams and perfect their skills they will be able to turn into magicians of their own life and become whoever they like to be, no matter where they are from.
Kids still had some tasks to finish - they were creating their designs for the recycled wallets and putting last touches on their heroes’ masks. With a speed of super heroes the children finished their work – All was ready, full of colourful patterns and absolutely imaginative designs. We were ready to move to the prize giving and Heroes Carnival.
Children, all in their fantastic masks, lined up to choose their own magical shoes from the Vans Shoemaker - as colourful as colourful are children dreams - so they can happily walk through their life and the recycled wallets for their little savings. Kids were extremely excited and overjoyed, the parents who came to join us were also super happy! Children straight away they wanted to put their shoes on giggling, screaming and laughing. The music went on and we started the fun. Dancing, riding skateboards, running around, having fantastic last moments together.
It was amazing to hear the feedback from children at the end. Of course all of them wanted us to stay and keep on coming on next days. Asked about their favourite moments – mostly it was the skateboarding and painting and the 4 of us – the heroes!! Children also said they will be only using the shoes for the most favourite things they like to do like riding bikes, running and dancing.
It was truly happy ride for us and for the children. Big Thanks to Vans and Restart Skateboards and Jaw Dikh! For support!!! Thank you to all children and teachers of the Jurgowschool, who were so engaged in the Ride for Happiness.
Moving on to plan the next Ride!