Prague Allnighters - eight hours of Northern Soul and Motown. Traditional Prague Northern Soul event at amazing place KZ Domovina, Magic atmosphere of northern England clubs in 70’s + dance floor area of 240m2 offers all dancers maximum comfort for their best performance.
Combination of event with beauties of Prague promise one of the best summer weekend you can live through.
Come and join our club.
Prague Allnighters - osm hodin Motown a Northern Soul. Jiz tradicni Northern Soulovy vecer v krasnem prostredi KZ Domovina s magickou atmosferou sedmdesatych let severni Anglie. Tanecni parket o rozloze 240m2 nabizi vsem tanecnikum dost prostoru pro nejlepsi tanecni vykony.
Kombinace teto skvele akce s krasou Prahy slibuje jeden z nejhezcich moznych letnich vikendu, ktere stoji za to prozit.
Prijdte si zatancovat.
12.6., KD Domovina (Na Maninách 32)