MeetFactory, o.p.s. calls for exhibition projects for the Kostka Gallery for 2015. We offer 6 - 8 exhibition terms of a standard length of approximately three weeks to one month. We prefer solo shows and collaborative projects of two artists or groups. We encourage site-specific projects reacting upon the untraditional typology of the exhibition space. We also call for projects by (emerging) curators. Given the specific characteristics of the space, in these cases we also recommend them to present works by one or two artists, rather than a group show.
The space - a former boiler room of a glass factory, is not heated in the winter. It is, however, an imposing space in a shape of a cube. The measures are 9,1 x 11,5 x 10,5m. The space is monitored by a security camera system and is open to the public daily from 1 - 8pm.
MeetFactory offers:
- basic installation help
- limited financial cover
- printing an exhibition postcard
- including an information about the exhibition in MeetFactory's monthly program
- basic PR (Press release, social networks etc.)
In case of financially demanding projects, we recommend the artists or curators to seek for individual grant support.
The application should contain:
- a short project description (up to two pages) and visualization
- an up-to-date portfolio and CV of the artist(s) and/or curator(s)
The applications may be submitted electronically until June 30 2014. Contact address: karina@meetfactory.cz. The results will be available by the end of August 2014.