OPEN CALL FOR RESIDENCIES FOR INTERNATIONAL CURATORS AND THEORISTS at studio das weisse haus in cooperation with departure.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2014 (per e-mail)
studio das weisse haus, a residence and studio program for young international artists, curators and theorists, founded by the art association das weisse haus, anddeparture, the Creative Agency of the City of Vienna, are offering a residency for young international curatorsandtheorists entitled “departure studio 2014: Interdisciplinary Vienna”. The residency is going to take place from May 5 until June 30, 2014.
About the Residency
Due to the general interest of both organizations involved in the residency program of departure studio 2014, as well as to the cultural context of the City of Vienna, the residency specification is defined by the notion of interdisciplinarity. The question of creative openness between different disciplines is as regards the remarkable past of Vienna in the field of applied arts more than legitimate. Since the reciprocal influence between fine and applied arts in Vienna was and still is significant and multi-layered, and the general range of contemporary art practices that relate to other fields of human activities is enormous, the framework of departure studio 2014 is characterized by the seeking of potential cross-disciplinary creative approaches.
On one hand, our interest concerns the interdisciplinary practices linking the fields of fine arts with architecture, design, fashion, media and music. On the other hand, we focus on creative practice interconnecting arts, society and science.
We kindly ask the candidates to submit their residency projects reflecting one of these theoretical issues:
1. interdisciplinary creative practice based on the connection of fine arts and architecture, design, fashion, media or music, or on reflection of the artefacts of pop culture
Is there nowadays a potential of a cross-disciplinary creative practice leading from fine arts towards architecture, applied arts, music and media in Vienna? In what manner do contemporary artists use the references to film, music or fashion as being pop-cultural, mass phenomenons and symptoms of contemporary society? How do the fine arts influence architecture, design and other creative fields and vice versa?
2. interdisciplinary creative practice based on the connection of art and science or social affairs, eventually using science as an initial stage of art production, visualizing science, or taking “artistic research” as one of the possible methodologies
Besides documentary, conceptual and performative approaches, artistic practice is more and more entering into relation with scientific methods and collaborative (social) practice. What influence can science have on fine arts and how can it be used by artists? How can be artistic strategies used in order to enrich scientific knowledge and what is the specificity of a research performed by artists? How can art enter into social affairs?
departure studio 2014 is open to aesthetic space and time explorations, as well as to the creation of experimental environments for social issues. The approaches considering the concepts of synthesis of arts and intermediality are more than welcome. The submitted project should take account of the situation, character, advantages and potential of the City of Vienna in connection to the specified topics.
Outcome of the departure studio 2014
The residency at studio das weisse haus and departure will result in a theoretical paper on one of the specified topics comprising the outcomes of a research realized during the residency stay. The final outcomes can be eventually extended into a symposium or a different means of presentation.
Accomodation, payments and service
studio das weisse haus and departure provide the residents with following service:
a monthly allowance of eur 1000,-
a cover of travel expenses: eur 200,- are assigned to residents coming from a country within Europe, eur 400,- to residents coming from a country outside of Europe
a private room in a shared apartment
a working space
a program of events and activities of both institutions linking the resident to the local art scene (participation in Open Studio Days, studio visits, admittance to various events, exhibitions etc.)
Application Process
In case you are interested in applying for a curatorial residency departure studio 2014 offered by studio das weisse haus and departure, the Creative Agency of the City of Vienna, please include following documents in your application:
a document comprising following information: full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, postal address, phone number and e-mail address
a professional CV
a short motivation letter (max 1500 characters) describing the reason of your interest in the specified topics as well as in a residency stay in Vienna
a short abstract(max 1500 characters) informing about your focus and intention as regards your activities as a resident of departure studio 2014
a detailed project description (max 5000 characters)
samples of your work: articles, exhibition catalogues or books (in digital form only), videos, photos; in case you send catalogues or books additionally per post, please be aware that we do not return any of this material.
Your applications will be reviewed by a board of experts. The members of the jury will be nominated by the representatives of studio das weisse haus and departure. The results of the open call will be announced until the end of March, 2014.
Maximum attachment size: 5 MB
Application Deadline: February 28, 2014
Please send your application per e-mail to: studios@dasweissehaus.at
For general information and questions regarding studio das weisse haus, please contact: Alexandra Grausam, Klára Stolková
postal address: Argentinierstrasse 11, 1040 Vienna, Austria
mail: studios@dasweissehaus.at
Background of studio das weisse haus
studio das weisse haus is a residence and studio program for young international artists and curators started by the art association das weisse haus in 2013. Our focus is to support the cross-border exchange of ideas and experiences and a wide range of approaches to the art practice. We aim to provide our residents with the possibility of an insight in Viennese art scene and opportunities of cooperation with local cultural institutions: this time in the context of a curatorial residency offered by studio das weisse haus together with departure, the Creative Agency of the City of Vienna.
More information: http://studiosdwh.wordpress.com
Background of departure
departure, the City of Vienna’s agency for the creative industries, was established in 2003 as Austria’s first independent business promotion agency and service center for companies of the creative industries. departure supports and interconnects Viennese creative industries in the fields of architecture, audio-vision, design, art market, publishing, fashion, multimedia and music. departure has been since years engaged not only in the coordination and link between economy, art and culture, but also in diverse alternatives of cross-disciplinary activities.
More information: http://www.departure.at