Trentemoeller plays Prague's Roxy in a few days. Here what he's up to:
You have just released your new Lost Reworks album. Exactly as you have done with your previous album. When and how was born the idea to make remixes of your album?
It actually came out of Swedish artist Jenny Wilson who asked me if she could do a cover version of Candy Tongue and I said yes, because I really like her voice and production. So when I heard her very personal version of that song I thought I could be great to hear new versions of some of the other tracks from the Lost album.
How do you feel when you make remixes of your own music? I can never decide what version is simply the best…
Ha ha thanks. It's fun for me to see if I can take a song in a new direction. If the melody is string enough it's quite easy and fun for me to do.
As a citizen of Denmark you are probably very proud of your country, because I have seen many documents about Denmark and they say it is the best country to live. What do you think? Is there any other place where you would like to live in?
I really like to live in Denmark , but I could also imagine moving to New York and live there for some years. I really like that city. For it's art and music and the variation of people from different nationalities.
Where do you usually go in Copenhagen to enjoy the vibes of music?
To small bars and venues.
A venue called Vega is a nice venue with a good sound system .
How do you see the political situation in your country? I noticed you are quite into political sphere and you support many activists like Pussy Riot etc.
Unfortunately I see more and more right -wing politic that often discriminates refugees. And I'm not happy about that . But I'm really proud if our positive politics supporting gays and lesbians. It's important for me that people can choose their sexuality and don't have to hide it but to be proud of it instead!!
As an owner of the label In My Room you keep searching for new talents. What kind of musicians do you look for?
To be honest, I have so far only released one artist, Dorit Chrysler . So it's much more also because I want to have my own platform from where I can release my music !
As a big fan of Twin Peaks… Have you ever considered collaboration with David Lynch?
I actually remixed him 2 years ago.
It was a sing from his first album with vocals by the fantastic Karen O.
What makes you keep doing music?
It's my biggest passion. I can't imagine a life without music !
I know you always say that you need to express your ideas via music but what would you probably do if you never had a chance to start making music? I would do something else creative . Paint, take photos , write ... I think
There are a lot of very good artists around you… Marie Fisker, Dorit Chrysler, The Raveonettes, fashion designer Henrik Vibskov. How do you always find each other? Does it mean that Denmark is the land of talented people?
Ha ha... Not more than other countries I think! But the art/ music scene is very good in Denmark and people work together , also between different art forms and genres, and I really like it that way . You have to stay open minded !
By the way I really liked the costumes that Henrik Viskov made for you for Roskilde festival show in year 2009. Do you have a plan to collaborate in the future?
He actually is designing and building all our stage design. Also for this European tour . So what you will see on stage is designed by Henrik.
How was your tour with the legendary Depeche Mode?
Really crazy and great!!! DM were one of the bands I really listened to as a teenager and suddenly playing huge stadiums as their support.
It is going to be your first time in Prague?
Yeah, it's our first time in Prague and we are SO excited to play there!!
We have a set list and we are playing songs with a arrangement but there are certainly parts in the concert that are open for impro. And we constantly improve our way of playing together as a band I think .
Your most played track is Miss You that was released very long time ago… Why do you always play it? Is it because people want it or because it is special for you?
It is still very special to me and I love playing it. It always brings people in a special mood to our concerts and it's often quite touching for me , because in the beginning of the tune I'm all alone on stage playing the melody on a glockenspiel.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you will enjoy your time in Prague. See you in Roxy!
Oct 2, Roxy, Praha
text: Natalie Kuznecova