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Alfred ve dvoře uvádí: Mission - Handa Gote

foto: pořadatel akce

Time is a human affliction; not a human invention but a prison. So what is the meaning of one hundred sixty million years without time? What does time mean to foraging lemurs? No predators here, not much to fear. They have opposing thumbs but do not fashion tools; they have no need for tools. Man was born in time. He lives and dies in time. Wherever he goes, he takes time with him and imposes time.”
William S. Burroughs: Ghost of Chance

theatre cut-up based on William S. Burroughs‘s novella Ghost of Chance
in czech with english subtitles

performance / film / radioplay / cirque nouveau / cut-up

PO 17/2
ÚT 18/2
NE 23/2
ČT 13/3
PÁ 14/3

alfred ve dvoře, fr. křížka 36, praha 7
20 h
100 kč, 200 kč

ST 19/2 divadlo 29 pardubice

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