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Superstar DJs & Ageing Disgracefully


Fatboy Slim was quizzed this week about what impact he expects turning 50 will have on his DJ career and said that having quit drinking and started ‘looking after his health’ he sees no reason to quit in the forseeable future. 


“There will be a cut-off point – when I stop enjoying it and when the crowd stops enjoying it,” he told TNT magazine.


“No one knows – with the era of the superstar DJ: Carl Cox, Oakenfold, Pete Tong – none of us knows what the retirement age is, because there’s never been this generation before.” ( )


The consequences of ageing were also discussed by legendary British punk poet John Cooper Clarke this week, who chatting to the Guardian was typically candid about his long years of heroin use.


Discussing his life with the Independent on Sunday 2008, the then 59 year old alternative icon/ stand-up comedian said he quit using the drug aged 34, though was brutally frank about his experiences. 


“What I would say is that the experience is a terrible one for anybody,” he confided. “All junkies' experience is identical. It's great at first – then it isn't – then it's horrendous.”


Three years on, however, he admitted still missing the drug, telling the Guardian ‘Oh yeah, course. A lot of times I remember it as fabulous’ and revealed a typically idiosyncratic attitude to whether he’d use it again.


“If I live 'til I'm 80, I fully intend to reacquaint myself with the world of opiate drugs. I think it's ideal for the elderly. It should be there for the asking,” he suggested. (Guardian: ) (You’ll Never See A Nipple in the Daily Express) (I Married A Monster From Outer Space) 

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