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Berlin Festival 2012 - 7th and 8th September at Tempelhof Airport

Berlin Music Week Stage, Art Village and artists inclduing Die Heiterkeit and Plan B.

In less than three weeks, Berlin Festival's eighth edition will take place on 7th and 8th September at Tempelhof Airport. Die Heiterkeit, Plan B (Berlin) and the Berlin Music Week Stage complete the festival line up alongside the Art Village and Berlin Debate.

Once again, Berlin Festival is not only putting the emphasis on established acts and DJs. Some of this year’s brand-new discoveries were chosen in co-operation with Berlin Music Week to play the Berlin Music Week Stage. On Friday, Christine And The Queens arrive from France, Ghostpoet, Lay Low and Turboweekend travel to Tempelhof Airport from the UK, whereas HighasaKite will depart from Norway. Saturday will see gigs by Le Galaxie from Ireland as well as Muso, Tomfoolery and KMPFSPRT from Germany.

Will Saul completes the !K7 Anniversary Special, whereas F.O.O.L. plays an opening set at Arena Club on Friday. DJ Supermarkt is the first to get behind the decks at Arena. KRSN will play a warm-up set at Arena on Saturday.

On top, the Berlin Debate will be held at Berlin Festival discussing the various facets of intellectual property. Alongside our Art Village and the Poetry Saloon, various charities, and the record label & design market will be new additions to the site at Tempelhof.

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