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repro: z knihy Back In The Days photographed by Jamel Shabazz, vyd. PowerHouse Books

Zkouškový a prosinec jsou nejmejdanovější měsíce. Pořádnej vánoční mejdan aby ale člověk pohledal...

kabelka paul frank - foto
Ilustrační foto Jiří 5 (John Galliano fashion show)

Who the *$&% is hipster?

One who possesses tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool. (Note: it is no longer recommended that one use the term "cool"; a Hipster would instead say "deck"). The Hipster walks among the masses in daily life but is not a part of them and shuns or reduces to kitsch anything held dear by the mainstream. A Hipster ideally possesses no more than 2% body fat.

/Robert Lanham: The Hipster Handbook/

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