A brand new Pixies music video for the song “Magdelena" premieres today on YouTube.
The video was conceived and directed by Judy Jacob (for Everything is OK), who directed and edited some of the highly-stylistic films made for Pixies’ 2009-2011 “Doolittle” world tour. Completely different from the other Pixies music videos for this project, the provocative “Magdelina” clip stars innovative British dance/theatre/performance artist Nando Messias.
Gothic Party in Munich - visit the Bavarian capital in latex and "Lederhosen"!
Black appears to suit the Bavarian capital Munich well - at least once a year in April - as a
Koncert excentrického pianisty, skladatele, zpěváka a kytaristy Rufuse Wainwrighta, který proběhne v pražském Divadle Hybernia 25. března, podpoří umělcova sestra, zpěvačka a písničkářka Lucy Wainwright Roche. Potvrdil to včera pořadatelé akce Fource Entertainment. Vstupenky na koncert Rufuse Wainwrighta zakoupíte v síti Ticketpro.