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This is the Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera which captures a full spherical panorama when thrown into the air. At the peak of its flight, which is determined using an accelerometer, a full panoramic image is captured by 36 mobile phone camera modules.
For more info, go here:

The Wedding Present’s 2005 tour of North America in support of that year’s Take Fountain album — which featured the band’s first performances here in eight years — is the subject of a new 139-minute concert film called

Funny rap video about... a book.


British artist Keira Rathbone creates much of her art using a typewriter. In this digital age Rathbone has decided to use a more old-fashioned technique. A traditional keyboard creation can take her up to 90 hours to produce, and some of her work can be seen on book and magazine covers. Rathbone owns 30 typewriters

Festival - Roger Sanchez - Escape (credits: Roy Laros and Guido van de Zanden)


Come to P.M. Club today, at 8PM!
Smoke Free Party
pic: Dermalogica

A.k.a. Medieval Helpdesk. This video makes fun of moderns newbie computer users by illustrating - in a way fully understandable to them - how silly some of their questions are by creating a similar problem in the Middle Ages.

It's from a show called Øystein & Meg (Øystein & I) produced by the Norwegian Broadcasting television channel (NRK) in 2001. The spoken language is Norwegian. It's written by Knut Nærum and performed by Øystein Bache and Rune Gokstad


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