U příležitosti filmu Dior a já se děje spousta věcí.
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Nová krásná kniha s fotkama Patricka Demarcheliera - historie legendární značky v obrazech.
Kniha Dior New Couture je ztělesněním půvabu a elegance. Můžete ji mít. A můžete ji i vyhrát.
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Kdo byl kreativním ředitelem značky Dior před Rafem Simonsem?
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Pozor: Kniha je určena pro diváky filmu, proto musíte předložit vstupenku (=fotku vstupenky) na film Dior a já. Soutěž končí 21.6.2015 v 15 hodin.
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Tisková zpráva:
The House of Dior announces the launching of its new book Dior New Couture by Patrick Demarchelier. This edition celebrates the French photographer through hundreds of exclusive new pictures.
The book illustrates the passionate story of Patrick Demarchelier with the house of Dior, through pictures of Monsieur Dior’s very first creations : including the Corolle, En 8, Envol, A, or Zig-Zag lines, to Raf Simons latest designs. Each silhouette is immortalized in carefully chosen locations which bring together the historical past and the new Dior aesthetics: shot amidst deserted suburbs, or in Versailles’ gardens and interiors, reminiscent of the 17th and 18th centuries’ French refinement and luxurious lifestyle, each location synthesizes an inspiration to Monsieur Dior.
Every picture is a story in itself but the book as a whole shows how the revolutionary Dior silhouette remains extremely modern and photogenic today thanks to its architectural and curved lines and how its beauty comes to life seen through the lens of Patrick Demarchelier.
Patrick Demarchelier the world-renowned French photographer works with prestigious magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar or Vanity Fair. He subtly delivers the emblematic codes of the house of Dior while giving each shot his personal touch and sensitivity. It is his second collaboration with the fashion house, after Dior Couture by Patrick Demarchelier, published in 2011.
Cathy Horyn, the American-born journalist and longtime emblematic New York Times reviewer.
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