EDM is getting even bigger these days. Meet Brian off Skitsnygg, a hot item of the famous Sex Cult label.
Good news: We have a nice interview with this young, talented and fun guy. Even better news: He will DJ at the Sunshine Christmas gig afterparty. It will happen on December 19, 2012, the place is still kept secret and will be until December 18.
What made you move to Stockholm and choose a Swedish word for your nickname?
I grew up in a really shitty small town in Western New York state called "Wellsville." there was absolutely nothing there and most of my days consisted of listening to my peers talk about their trucks and country music. I moved to Stockholm so I could get as far away from that as possible. The music coming out of Sweden at the time was really diverse and it seemed like a really cool culture so I just decided to go for it.
I really have no idea what made the name "Skitsnygg" stick, it was kind of a joke at first but then I just decided to keep it. Listening to people in the US try to pronounce it is always hilarious though.
And then back to NY again?
My visa for Sweden was only for three months. I was planning on going back to the states for a little while to learn the Swedish language so I could get a job and move permanently but I think once I moved to New York City I started partying too much for that to ever be a possibility.
How did you get signed for Sex Cult?
I actually met Michael (of Designer Drugs) a little over four years ago at this really awesome party that used to happen in New York called "Ruff Club." We started hanging out quite a bit and one day he decided to start a label. At that point it was basically all of our friends on the label.
Wiki says you are working on your first album - how is the process going and where are you headed?
It's been an extremely long process but the album - "American Nightmare" is almost done. The past year has been really tough to get in the studio because I'm almost always traveling but I hope to finish it by February.
What track is your secret weapon in clubs and ALWAYS makes people dance?
Jay Z & Kanye West - Niggas in Paris.
Who does artwork for your tracks?
Most of it I do myself, I should really spend more time on the artwork but once a song is done I want to put it out as quickly as possible haha. The Devastation artwork was done by my friend Andrew and I was hoping to work with him again but he has been super sketchy after I played a show for him and never got reimbursed for my travel expenses. Until that happens, I will be doing the artwork myself!
there is an interesting tweet of yours:
"Brian Migliore @Skitsnygg
I've done both.. multiple times. RT @diplo more djs need to go to jail or pass out in airports and miss their shows.. where the controversy?" Have you really?
Haha yeah, I was sent to Rikers Island which is one of the most infamous prisons in the Untied states. It's a really long (and annoying) story but in the end it came down to a ticket that I never paid for evading the subway fare. I've also spent plenty of time in bookings, one memorable time was when I was playing this party at a venue with a police station next to it. Some kid tried to fight me and I ended up being put in a holding cell for a while, I then went back to the party and played my set.
As for passing out in the airport, Once when I was flying back to New York from Miami I had an early flight so I stayed up all night partying, finished my fifth of whiskey in the bathroom at the airport, and passed out as they were boarding my flight. I woke up some hours later but couldn't get on another flight because they were booked up for the next two days. I missed my show in NYC.
Best Christmas present is...
Going to Prague, baby!
If i was not a DJ/musician, i would work as...
A tour manager.
The best thing about making music for a living is...?
I get to be my own boss, travel, and party. There's really nothing better than that.
Your party in Prague is going to be...?
When I wake up the next day I will feel like...
Who said anything about sleep?