Deputy education minister Mohd Puad Zarkashinot said they’ve decided to publish the ‘tell tale signs’ to help prevent homosexuality’s spread.
'If your son likes wearing v-neck jumpers it's a sign he's gay', the manual also reportedly warns (Daily Mail: http://bit.ly/10yu2hw )
Details of the V Neck sweater symbolism emerged just as Donatella Versace unveiled her latest menswear collection at Milan Fashion Week, which included for the first time frilly knickers style underpants for men. American newspaper reporter Colleen Barry was impressed.
“Versace has also thrown down the gauntlet to men, challenging them to wear lacy lingerie,” she noted, “It's a reasonable question: Why should such indulgences be just for women?” she asked. (SFGate: http://bit.ly/Y8SGDO )