Jedna ze stěžejních postav house music posledních 10 let Joris Voorn se vrátí v sobotu do Prahy. Světoznámě uznávaný producent a zakladatel labelu Rejected vystoupí jako speciální host klubovky Climax v ROXY. Jorise doplní resident noci Chris Sadler a Biodan. Vstupenky budou i na místě, a to za 400 czk.
V pátek se budete moci opět checkovat u vstupu s appkou MY ROXY - ke stažení zde. Můžete tak sbírat odměny za návštěvy, ale třeba i jet s Uberem z/do ROXY zdarma. Check-in bude aktivní od 23:00.
Line up:
23:00 - 01:00 Biodan
01:00 - 03:00 Joris Voorn (NL)
03:00 - 06:00 Chris Sadler
2nd stage: Yannick, Deff
One of the leading persona of the last decade of house music Joris Voorn is coming back to Prague. Joris Voorn is considered to be one of the most influential producers among the scene not only due to his well known label Defected but also thanks to his dj performances all around the world. Live he combines the best flavours of cutting-edge house and techno sounds always with something special and non-transferrable. You can listen to one of the latest Essential mixes of BBC Radio 1 devoted to his Miami set. You can buy the tickets in MY ROXY for 24hours after the announcement, later also in all other presales.
27. 5. 2017, open 23:00
Climax w/Joris Voorn (NL) @ROXY
Support: Chris Sadler, Biodan, Yannick, Deff
FB event:
Vstupenky/Tickets: 350 czk + popl./fee; Na místě 400 czk
V NoD za 370 czk
Live at Awakenings:
Essential Mix 2017:
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