Jonty Skrufff is playing in Prague again this Friday, January 7. See him at Gox club (Nádražní 76, Praha 5). We asked him a few questions about his current projects.
You are playing in Prague in January again, this time it is a small party. How did this come about?
Jonty Skrufff: “I’ve been DJing in Czech Republic four or five times a year for the last five years now and have met loads of lovely people, many of whom come regularly. At the latest party at Roxy in October, Tom Spark, who’s promoting Friday’s party, came along with his girlfriend Xoxo and he’s invited me back to play this new event. It’s a special party to celebrate Xoxo’s birthday with Tom’s mates - and fellow DJs - Toky, Monty, Ufi, Čéša also spinning with me. I jumped at the chance: they’re a supercool gang and I’m sure it’s gonna be a wild party.” (PRIME TIME facebook event page)
You are a London guy but you were living in New York and now reside in Berlin. What drew you to these cities?
Jonty Skrufff: “I grew up in the suburbs of Manchester and hated living there (it really was a grim, rain-soaked, aggressive, violent place) and escaped to London as soon as I could and virtually never came back. I’ve always loved big cities, they have a certain energy that I recognize and thrive off: so for example I absolutely love visiting Sao Paolo and Jakarta even though both are probably more dangerous then Manchester. And of course, the bigger the city, the more interesting, alternative people you’re likely to find.”
Are there any new tracks or remixes of you coming up?
Jonty Skrufff: “I’ve recently finished a remix for French producer Lady B and done a couple of tracks with acid techno D.A.V.E. the Drummer: they’re all up on the Skruffff soundcloud page: http://soundcloud.com/skrufff .
I’m working on more projects including what I hope will be a VERY big release later this year, though I can’t say anything more yet as it’s lined up for a May- summer- release. It’s definitely the best thing I’ve done by far yet and I’ll be playing it at the party in Prague for sure.
Where can the readers hear your music - do you have mixes up on Soundcloud for listening or so?
Jonty Skrufff: “Yes, as well as tracks, I’ve got DJ mixes on the Skrufff soundcloud page: Click here to hear them: http://soundcloud.com/skrufff
Any other plans we ought to know about?
Jonty Skrufff: “I’m Djing in Russia for the first time in a couple of weeks then making my debut in Mauritius in February when Fidelity Kastrow and I visit for ten days. The overall Skrufff plan is to continue developing and expanding our global reach, while returning regularly to our favourite places: which includes Prague; right near the top; come and say hi if you’re at the party, it’ll be killer.”
(PRIME TIME facebook event page)