Peter from indie pop band The Savage Nomads talks about definition of Fashion.
Definition of Fashion: Fashion, to me at least, is a pretty never ending cycle. It's
interesting how it reflects cliques of kids and what is HOT right now or what is seen as perfectly weird and thus to some groups: perfectly cool. Obviously it's an expression of who you are as an individual but in music it can be used as a tool for a collective identity that you hope your listeners understand is all part of the music package. Having a group that looks right together comes down to each of those guys in the band wanting the same thing and living their music.
What do I enjoy most about music: I couldn't really call it a job, it is what it is - pretty encapsulating and exhausting; if you're doing it right then it'll take over every facet of your life and you'll want to carry on every single day. I suppose I enjoy waking up and knowing The Savage Nomads have another move and a big plan. I like incorporating as much as I can into pop too!
How do you relax being in a group: Spend a lot of time focusing obsessively over someone else's art is a pretty good medium for me. I listen to the the same record over and over and watch the same movie continuously until I think it's ingrained in my head. That's a good way to zone out and gives me plenty of creative juice for music too. Football is always the ultimate outlet also.
What do I enjoy about playing music: Collectively getting very tight and well rehearsed and then bringing that to the audience. The rush of playing to people who want to see you or winning over people who are there to dig your sound is pretty unique. Crafting songs is a pretty satisfying process, from writing the lyrics to finalising the mastering: it's an interesting journey. Songs have a life of their own.
Preventing stereotyopes?
Well I think you are what you are and as long as you don't fight that then you don't fall into the net of being what someone else thinks you should be. IE - wearing what everyone is wearing etc. I think that comes down to not thinking for yourself, so as long as you remember to not be a sheep you should be ok.