5th Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis NEW ORDER ticket sale is out! There are still lots of months before this great event takes place again at Paralelni Polis, Prague, Czech Republic, but we are experiencing great interest from public and tickets are selling fast. This is to let you know that there are still some tickets left. In case you are interested in the #HCPP18 event and considering your attendance, you should hurry up! This event will be sold out very soon!
This year we are going to bring you the best possible mix of speakers again. Here is the list of already confirmed speakers: Nassim Nicholas Taleb (via Skype) - former trader, writer (e.g. The Black Swan, Antifragility), philosopher and statistician, Cody Wilson - crypto-anarchist and the man behind the first 3D printed gun, Peter Todd - bitcoin core developer, Tone Vays - former Wall Street option trader and crypto content creator, Giacomo Zucco - theoretical physicist and CEO of BlockchainLab, Smuggler and Frank Braun - digital privacy extremists and cypherpunks. Check our website for further updates.
#HCPP18 will be about technology, cryptocurrencies, decentralization and digital privacy in the light of ongoing global change of social, political and economic structures. There are a lot of attack vectors nowadays in play. Enjoy the best from top opinion leaders.
You can buy tickets via our e-shop using bitcoin or litecoin.
You can also check the latest updates via our Facebook event or Twitter.