The first Dyzajn market of this year will take place on Václav Havel square right before the first day of Spring and more than 180 participating designers believe we will welcome Spring already on that weekend.
We always pick our designers with great care. The selection is also supported by part of the organizing team, whose preferences were the basis of the Spring edition of Dyzajn market, the unique Limited edition – a collection of products from 40 different creators, designers and authors, picked by these five people as “their chosen ones”.
However, an important piece of news is also that for the first time, Dyzajn market Spring will take place not only in the square, but also in the adjacent building of the Operations building of the National Theatre. “These days, we have been working hard, carefully selecting designers, who have received the best awards in the Czech Republic and in the design world, and some of whom are nominated for the Czech Grand Design, and getting in touch with them. We offer them the opportunity to present their work right in this added interior space, and we believe that everything will work out the way we imagine,” says event coordinator Olga Velíšková. The premises of the Operations building are lightly heated, so even if the Spring does not come at that time, there will still be a place to hang around and have coffee.
There will also be an interesting cultural programme as part of the event. There will be quite a few performers, however, for each of them the Dyzajn market performance will be a premiere. “Again, we will add author readings to the usual music performances. This time, we will welcome the famous writer Josef Formánek, who will read from his new book Dvě slova jako klíč (Two Words as a Key), and Jonáš Zbořil will introduce his slow-paced poems,” explains Kolja Ivaskiv, manager of the cultural programme at Dyzajn market. You may look forward to the bands Bitosti and Carpet Cabinet or a concert by songwriter Markéta Zdeňková with her deep songs and lyrics. On both days, in the morning, there will be theatre for all age groups: fairy tales by Damůza, The Fools of Chelm (author: I. B. Singer) and Dlouhý, široký a bystrozraký by Theatre Dlouhá.
There will also be more workshops than usual and, as always, they will all be brand new. Pipasik a NaFilM will be in Václav Havel square, while KultiVAR will be in the newly opened building.
In the Pipasik workshop, children will plan their first Spring trip, getting to know birds that came to the feeder in the winter, or create their own memory game and Easter cards.
The Film Museum workshop NaFilM will allow participants to go back a hundred years to the secret world of the first screenings with virtual reality. “Get carried away by the possibilities of modern technology and find out, where its surprising beginnings lie. At the same time, you may try different animation and pre-animation techniques with us. If you enjoy it, we will direct you to the film museum NaFilM on Národní in the Palace Chicago, where you can even create your own animated film. We will show you that film in the museum can be for everyone!” says Terezie Křížkovská, one of the founders of NaFilM. Entry to both these workshops in the square will be free.
For the first time, you will also be able to create in a calm environment, inside the Operations building. There will be workshops with an admission fee by KultiVAR, a new project from Liberec, which has already enchanted many people. Creating with KultiVAR is suitable especially for adults and older children, who will be able to create their own kokedama – a floating plant that doesn’t need a pot, ideal to welcome Spring. For other people interested, there will be material and an instructor to help you create luxurious felt shoes you will never want to take off, maybe even take a walk in them through Václav Havel square to discover what the Czech, Slovak and other designers created after Christmas.
Who is new at Dyzajn market? The brand TRAVERSA, which re-designs old objects, making them into apartment accessories, will present itself. The brand Lípa will be at the Dyzajn market Spring even before the expert panel decides whether the nomination for Czech Grand Design will become an award or not. Their products are Czech, artisanal and also linked with the Czech national tree - the lime tree. For the first time, you can admire the leather shoes by the Zlín brand Vasky.
Among the usuals, you may look forward to Black Mountain with its new Spring releases from Podještědí region. It is worth it to be at Dyzajn market early for this designer, and not just to help her unpack, but maybe you will get the chance to grab a skirt with the picture of Ještěd mountain, which always sells first.
Dyzajn market does not forget about charity projects and this time, there will be several to chose from. The project Ponožky od babičky (Socks from Grandma) and Sweeter, which employs women who enjoy knitting. Participation has been confirmed by Charity Gums, Cesta domů, Funky dog and for the first time, the Rolnička group, a sheltered workshop for people with health or mental disabilities.
If you cannot wait for March, come around on February 18th to the event Knihovna Václava Havla #minidyzajn. A month before the main Dyzajn market event, in the Václav Havel Library, you will meet twenty designers, who will share their creation not only as products to buy, but they will also reveal in moderated interviews how the originals are born in their hands. The nice atmosphere of this chamber event will also be complemented by readings from Václav Havel’s works