Flip flop wearing revellers attending next weekend’s Dimension Festival in Fort Punta Christo will be refused admission to the abandoned fortress, the event warns in a stern warning on their site.
“Flip-flops/sandals are strictly not allowed around the festival site (fine for campsite). You must be wearing trainers or some other form of sturdy shoe in order to be allowed entrance,” the information page stresses.
“This is for your own safety as the ground is not suitable for unprotected feet and we do not want hundreds of stubbed toes, bruised heels and sprained ankles.”
The four night underground electronic music event features performers including Berghain residents Marcell Dettman and Ben Klock alongside Nicolas Jaar, Nathan Fake and over 100 more DJs, spinning at beach parties and boat trips during the day and at sound systems around the fortress at night.
“STICK TO PATHS”, the organisers also stress.
“Please do not wander off into the undergrowth and try to keep to paths as this region of Croatia has a number of scorpions, spiders and snakes that do bite,” they explain.
“Areas signed off limits or out of bounds are not safe for public access, if they were we’d have a soundsystem there.”
http://www.dimensionsfestival.com/info (Dimensions takes place from Thursday September 6 to Sunday 9thpic: Filou / sxc.hu