Coldplay have announced that they are to reveal the lyrics for all nine songs from their upcoming Ghost Stories album by hiding Chris Martin’s handwritten lyric sheets in libraries worldwide. The lyrics will be hidden in ghost story books in libraries in nine countries, located across the planet.
Clues to the exact locations of the lyrics will be posted from today on the band’s Twitter account -twitter.com/coldplay - using the hashtag #lyricshunt. The band's fans will be encouraged to help solve the clues and visit their local library to see if they can find an envelope containing one of the unique lyrics sheets.
As each one is discovered, a photo of the lyric sheet will be posted, for all of the band's fans to see.
One of the hidden envelopes also contains a special Golden Ticket, giving the finder (and a guest) a free trip to London to see Coldplay perform at the Royal Albert Hall on 1 July.