2manydjs will be visiting Prague for the first time. The play Roxy this Friday. We chatted with them about mashups and sleeping.
What does your live setup consist of when you play as 2manydjs?
they consist of whatever tunes are making us excited at that time. we obviously have seasoned favourites that we can’t bear to leave out but we try to keep it fresh and exciting both for our crowd but also ourselves. when you play as often as we do you will eventually tire of some of your set…its sad when it happens, tracks you fell in love with suddenly lose their impact. you can remedy this by leaving them alone for a while and then when you are ready you can fall in love with it all over again. its very romantic.
What is it like spending so much time on tour, do your miss your homes?
sometimes it does feel like airport lounges and hotels are our homes. we probably spend more time in them than our actual homes so maybe they are our homes. It is weird have people buy duty free when you’re trying to relax at home but at least you don’t have to tidy up!
What are your tips to deal with lack of sleep and a lack of relaxation on tour?
Try to not let it get to you. You just have to meet a new parent to know that being tired doesn’t bring out the best in you, but you just have to keep going. There are invisible barriers you have to break through and then you can motor on. I guess we’ll just sleep when we’re old…or dead.
Do you plan any new remixes/releases? The internet is scarce for information and it has been years since we enjoyed your music.
Yes (just trying to keep up the whole scare information thing).
What is #lode2manydjs?
its an event we put on in barcelona just before xmas. Like a Soulwaxmas but in Barcelona.
Do you like big gigs or enjoy more intimate settings in clubs?
it will probably sound like a lame answer but we really enjoy both. Its like saying do you prefer salt or pepper. they are not in conflict. they compliment each other. we are very privileged to be able to do both.
Do you still like mashups? Is this sub-genre still viable? I remember playing early mashups ages ago and loving it, do you still find it exciting to discover or even make more?
you would find if you googled this question that we are pretty much done with it and have been for at least a decade or so. We had a lot of fun with it but we moved on to other forms of creation and watched as the genre blew up and grew and still motors on today. We love that it still exists but we aren’t involved despite the viewpoint.
Your best gig ever was…?
the one we’re about to have in Prague.
Do you ever regret pursuing a music career? What would be the alternatives?
We did really want to be lion tamers but it didn’t work out…mainly because we are both afraid of lions. and rightly so. They eat people you know? Sorry, really there was no alternative for us. We live for music. Always have. Always will. Whether we are still doing it or not.
We think you are the best Belgian export since… ever. What other things and people are Belgian and good? We might miss something… ok, moules… and?
is this a trick question? are you testing our modesty? The answer is obviously moules and 2manydjs but should we say that? Oh, looks like we just did.
Your twitter showed a grandiose building - Deewee studio - in wallpaper mag. Is that your studio, and what is cooking in there?
At the moment what is cooking in there is a soundtrack to a Belgian film we are working on. Its in the oven and should be ready very soon. After that... who knows? We will make a new menu.
Anything else you would like to mention?
we hope to see you at our show!