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Správná odpověď je: Ústředí firmy Lush sídlí v Poole (Velká Británie).

Výherkyně jsme kontaktovali, jsou jimi
Martina B., Pája P., Aneta D., Joll B. a Iveta J.

Ceny si je možné vyzvednout (už dnes) v obchodě Mystic Skates (Štěpánská 37, Praha 1).

This is a Brand film for TIGI Bedhead Product range. "The film has lots of attitude and nothing has more attitude than big drums and fuzz bass!" says its director.

Where to find TIGI stuff in the Czech Republic? There is a TIGI hair salon - the address is Na Švihance 2 (near the Jiřího z Poděbrad metro station and the huge park Riegrovy sady).

Let the TIGI ambassador Jakub Hájek cut your hair and you will know what the hype is all about. Phone number is 608 777 073.

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