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Podívejte se na vtipný spot o novýh botách WESC. / Look at a witty video for the new WESC footwear range.

pic: archive of the promoter


The closing date is approaching for applications to the 2011 AKG Scholarship of Sound but there is still time to enter and become one of the lucky 10 winners.

Dr. Nešpor and another fascinating video of his. This time, we are shown a laughter to be used in the morning, in front of the mirror. Heh. 

/ Další fascinující video doktora Nešpora. Smích před zrcadlem po ránu.

Closing date is April 30

Jak se vlastně šijí džíny? Podívejte se, co to dá práce. / How jeans are actually made? Look how much work goes into a pair.

pic: Anna Hrachovec

pic: archive of the artist
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