Kulatá jubilea vždycky přináší očekávání. Colours of Ostrava letos oslavily desátý ročník, a tak se nějak obecně předpokládal program, kde si ve čtyři odpoledne zajdete na Björk, v šest na Kravitze a o půlnoci na battle Iggy Poppa a Muse. Jenže, jak to tak bývá, úplně to organizačně nevyšlo.
When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse / Out of the corner of my eye / I turned to look but it was gone / I cannot put my finger on it now / The child is grown the dream is gone.
HIP-HOP: BEYOND BEATS AND RHYMES is a riveting documentary that examines representations of gender roles in hip-hop and rap music through the lens of filmmaker Byron Hurt, a former college quarterback turned activist. Conceived as a loving critique from a self-proclaimed hip-hop head, Hurt examines issues of masculinity, sexism, violence and homophobia in todays hip-hop culture.