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Pet Shop Boys: California Dreaming

The Pet Shop Boys chatted about the making of their upcoming album Elysium this week and revealed they were inspired both by working with Kanye West producer Andrew Dawson and their choice of recording location LA (where they spent three months earlier this year.”


“We wanted to make this album in a different environment,” they explained in a press release announcing the new release, “Despite frequent visits there we have never made an album in Los Angeles. Working there with Andrew Dawson has enabled us to make a very fresh-sounding album.”


Andrew Dawson said he was similarly inspired.


“It was really exciting for me to work with Pet Shop Boys - the breadth of their career has been phenomenal. They both have incredible ideas and I’ve definitely learned a few tricks from them on making records,” he admitted.


Chris Lowe chatted to Skrufff some years ago about the band’s always prolific work-rate and revealed an enthusiastic if ambiguous attitude towards making music.


‘I’ve always loved going in the studio, having fun and seeing what comes out of it. We’re always working though I would probably like to work less but Neil likes to be busy all the time,” he explained.


“I’m a lazy git, and I’d be quite happy to disappear for two years to go trekking but our diaries are always pretty full,” says Chris.


He was equally candid about how they’ve sustained their success since the mid-80s, avoiding the pitfalls so many of their peers struggled with as money and temptations flooded in. 


“We were both quite old when we started, I’d already finished six years of university, so we weren’t young, though I don’t know if that makes you more sensible or not,” said Chris.


“I’m not such an excessive kind of person anyway, I don’t have an addictive personality, my brain and my body have real cut-off points, which says ‘go to bed’. I know people who’ve had problems and they don’t seem to have that cut-off point, they go out on a Friday and they’re still out on Monday afternoon. I like sleeping too much, I love going to bed. I think that’s a real safety valve.” 

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