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Mike Skinner’s Mean Streets

Mike ‘The Street’s Skinner chatted candidly about being ‘beaten up at every turn of your life’ growing up in Birmingham’s suburbs this week, and told the Guardian he remains ‘totally’ afraid of street violence compared to the gangsta rap circles he entered at the height of his success.

"As a general rule, meeting Jay-Z at a party at the Light Bar in Covent Garden is probably going to be a lot less dangerous than, say, getting a KFC in Harlesden,” he noted. ( )

Britain’s mean suburban streets were also addressed by Northern Soul legend/ Kylie creator Peter Waterman this week, who, in an interview with the Daily Star in which he effortlessly the credit for inventing drum & bass and dubstep, was similarly blunt about modern pop.

"The records in the charts this week won't bring a smile to your face. That's why all the clubs are closing down,” he sighed. “Now everybody wants to get pissed (drunk) and violent when they go out.” (Daily Star)

Seemingly less concerned about the apparent brutalization of British youth culture was dubstep icon Rusko, who writing on Twitter this week after being angered by his label Mad Decent’s decision to stream his upcoming album Songs on Mixmag was less than diplomatic.

"Try and keep something under wraps for months and then the fucking label allows a full live stream. Congrats @maddecent it's everywhere now," he wrote.

“U fcking useless numbskulls @maddecent all the hard work keeping it off radio, no djs, off YouTube, till release day was for nothing. Thanks,” he raged.

Soon after Mixmag deleted the offending stream he appeared to calm down, accepting the magazine’s ‘don’t shot the messenger’ plea relatively gracefully though remained less than forgiving regarding Diplo’s label Maddecent.

“The streams been taken down. Job 1 done. Job 2, I have to wait til I get back to the US. I may go to prison for job 2,” he tweeted.

“I'm gonna post the fucking torrent links day of release. No $ for u@maddecent,” he added, “And il upload the cunting thing myself.”!/RUSKOOFFICIAL

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