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Zničili vaše město, unesli vaši lásku, vyzvali vás k zápolení.

Poctivá herna patří k městu jako obrubníky a zvuk houkaček v dálce.
V úterý 17.4.Puma otevřela prostor zasvěcený osmdesátkovým automatům a nejen jim.

Jak akce, nazvaná Arcade Fever, proběhla? Podívejte se na video.

What makes you happy?

From the filmmakers who brought you Long Night's Journey Into Day, Beyond the Call, and the Oscar nominated Genghis Blues, comes a global journey across countries and continents in a search for humanity's most elusive emotion.

HAPPY seeks to share the wisdom of traditional cultures and the cutting edge science that is now, for the first time, exploring human happiness. Through powerful interviews, we explore what makes people happy across the world. 

Directed by - Roko Belic

foto: Nakladatelství Lipnik

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