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David Lynch udělal animovnaé vidoe ke skladbě Lights od Interpol. Výsledke vychází pod názvem

I Touch A Red Button Man/Lights.


The Dark Knight Rises půjde do kin až za rok, nový trailer k vidění už teď!
Z hrdiny psancem, aneb každý dobrý skutek bude po zásluze potrestán. Po Batmanovi jde celý Gotham, do cesty se mu navíc připlete Bane a kočičí žena v podání krásné Anne Hathaway.

Příběh kina Svět a Dukla
foto ni(c)

Přehlídka netradičního filmu v Mladé Boleslavi
PNF 2010

Tzv. tilt-shift video portugalského vesnického života. Koukněte se na zrychlený den obyvatel, zvířat a rostlin.

This is a film I made (The Author) in 2005 for the BBC. “I guess this thing is about having a small dick, and it’s horrible saying that because it’s true…. And why is it such a problem? This is what this film is about”. My Penis and I follows my two-year journey to discover if size matters. It charts the effect my penis has had on my life, my family and my relationship with my girlfriend Nicola. The film is now out of BBC licensing and I am free to distribute it non-commercially.

Framestore is a company making fashion videos (we liked what they did for Mulberry) and other promo things. There is more to them though.
Reflection is a beautifully crafted animation designed and directed by Framestore's Sharon Lock and written by Diarmid Scrimshaw of Inflammable Films. It is currently being enterered into a number of short film and animation festivals. 

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