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Šperkařský workshop / Jewelery making workshop


Skotská dvojice Bunty and Bella pořádá 13.10. workshop na téma šperky, plestěné korále a řemeslo.

Účastnící se naučí, jak si vyrobit náhrdelník, a také si ho odnesou domů.

Workshop je v angličtině, cena je 700 korun.

Čas: 16-19 hodin


Belushi's Bar, Mosaic House, Odboru 4, Praha 2



Scottish craft duo Bunty and Bella (Jude and Suzie) bring their  jewellery workshop to Prague for the first time.

Make things, drink tea, eat cake and chat!

THURSDAY 13TH OCTOBER 16.00 - 19.00
Belushi's Bar, Mosaic House, Odboru 4, Praha 2

'Bunty and Bella are kind of like our super hero names but instead of  speeding to your rescue we show you how to make really cool stuff,  supply tea and really amazing cakes then leave and in a roundabout way  your day is saved. We started making and creating when we were both  very young, as far  back as we can remember. Bunty and Bella was born  through our shared  passion for craft and the DIY ethos, which is  really important to us and is intrinsic in our work. In this day and  age when technology is at the forefront of everything, we hope to pass  on traditional skills in a fresh and contemporary way, to a new  generation of makers. Making things is about more than just being  creative, it's also about getting together and sharing ideas and of  course eating lots of cake'

Tickets available at the reception of Mosaic House in advance and on  the day (limited spaces available)
English necessary as workshop will be held in English :-)

Bunty and Bella are Jude Gove and Suzie Scott.


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