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‘Get High Without Drugs’ App Launched

ilustrační foto Adam Fuchs

British hypnotherapist John Wesdorp announced details of a new ‘self-hypnosis app targeted at former drug users this week, via a suitably euphoric press release promoting his ‘world first’ ITunes app.

“Get "High" without drugs - hypnosis session App helps former drug users,” the marketing blurb for Hypno High™ declared, “No more drugs needed - just the memory of a "high" is enough to revive it.”

Bluntly admitting the app is targeted at ‘people who have used drugs in the past but, for a number of reasons, including the legality and potential health issues have stopped or reduced its use’, he promised risk free euphoria for users spending £2.99 via the Itunes download store.

“If you have used recreational drugs in the past either recently or even many years ago, your brain has stored the memory of those experiences in exactly the same way as it has stored other memories related to events that made you happy, sad, nostalgic or other,” the text said.

“You can easily train yourself to stack various “highs” and even combine the memories of different drug-induced experiences and relive those “highs” as often as you like. NO-MORE-DRUGS-NEEDED, EVER!” (their capitals).

The site included a lengthy statement stressing that self-hypnosis carries minimal risk, a stance reflected on numerous hypnosis portals such as Neuro-vision.US.

The US site says that almost everybody can be hypnotized (apart from ‘people with less than a 70 I.Q., those of the moron level or lower’, psychotics and elderly people) and says hypnosis is ‘the alpha level of consciousness’.

“Research has proven that if you watch much television, you are in this alpha state for two-thirds of your viewing time. If you have ever watched a sad TV show and reacted with a tear in your eye, you have been hypnotized by the television,” it says.

“You entered a state of increased suggestibility where you uncritically accepted the suggestion of sadness on the TV screen and reacted with a sad emotion, your tear.” (‘Hypnosis -- The Truth Finally Revealed’)

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